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The Republigans in Lincoln are pretty clever. I remember a long long time ago in the 90's when Mike Foley used to go door to door running for Senate or whatever, and palm himself off as a progressive candidate that was concerned about schools, communities.

Of course, nowadays, he is quite busy going through everybody's books and looking aghast and finding corruption in everything he sees. Of course he finds corruption in the Commission on African American affairs, DHHS for daring to get a private accounting firm along with his own audit, plenty of Medicaid waste, fraud and abuse, etc. Do a search on him. The guy is a drama queen.

Unsurprisingly, he endorsed Herbster over Pillen. That tells you everything you need to know. (However, I strongly believe, that though I doubted the Trumper Herbster was good man for many, many, reasons, it struck me so odd, that all the sexual improprieties he was accused of were so convenient in getting him off the ballot. ) It probably never happened and was a hit job because Nebraska Repugs wanted Pillen instead of Herbster and needed to save face with the Donald. (I mean, otherwise, why bother and brush it off, it works for Trump real well, I guess...) I know I wasn't there, but the whole 'in-house' handling of all the alleged grab-assing seemed hollow and very well controlled.

Anyway, the people at Americans for Prosperity are first class with the farm excrement delivery systems. A lot of people in Lincoln have an education, so it doesn't always work, but so far, it is working well enough to get people elected and re-elected.

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